07709 692821 Boyd@drummerboyd.com

Life and Business Coaching Services

Realise your goals, faster than you would alone.

How is this done? By helping you be at your best.

I offer the following services to for you to achieve this –

1 to 1 Coaching

Future focused, confidential and inspiring, 1 to 1 coaching is one of the most effective ways to improve your performance and reach your goals faster.


Business Coaching

A business can only go so far just using your technical skills. Develop an entrepreneurial mindset, learn where to focus and take things to the next level.



Ideal for businesses, colleges & universities, the talks tackle the everyday challenges that can make or break future successes.


I specialise in working with individuals that are looking to take their lives or thier careers to the next level because they are inspired to do so or those that are stuck in a rut and looking to gain momentum.

The coaching process enables you to:

    • Identify and clarify want you want ensuring your precious time is spent where it really matters.
    • Learn tried and tested strategies to improve effectiveness.
    • Get more done harnessing the power of action planning and accountability.

Contrary to popular belief, the coach’s role is not to offer advice on life’s big decisions, but to help you find your own answers. After all, you know you yourself better than anyone, you may just not realise it yet! The coach will have suggestions when it comes to effective strategies however.

For more information head to www.StickWithItCoaching.com if you are a musician and if you are not a musician head to www.StickWithIt.co.uk. To get in touch you use the button below or call on 07709 692821